Friday 9 April 2021

cherry cheeks and chokeholds

You were right, the scarves do in fact double as a picnic blanket! I can't even think of what the city sounds like, when all I hear's the reed playing with the wind around us. My hair is down, dark brushed out waves, my tits are out, after you pulled down my top kissing my neck before, and now that our heartbeats back to normal, it's just awkwardly hovering around my waist. Kinda don't feel like putting it back on. Arms: grateful for the freedom, stretching them out over my head, giving my wrists a spin, breathing in so I can feel my ribs showing through my skin. Resting my wrists on my forehead as I let myself down on the ground with a thump. The peaches' are boiling warm by the sun! Juicy slurping, nectar dripping, racing down my wrists. Get the droplets off before they're reaching my elbows! Any excuse to have your tongue touch me. Mmm your lips giving me zinc-y sunscreen kisses. How many freckles can you kiss on my lower belly before I melt like a popsicle on the sidewalk? Oh, your hair's messy, little sweaty locks, strands glimmering like a pretty rock under water. Twirled around my fingers, lightly tugging you, running my nails through your scalp. Turning your head, facing me. Squinty fluttery lashes makes me smile before I even realise that I do. Holy fuck you look good in the sun. Stupid indifferent waving gesture, acting bothered by the bees. I know you're loving their buzz.

The wine that we chilled overnight's condensed label's slightly coming off, and I can't even act like it's remotely cold anymore. Cows parsley swaying next to us, casting beautiful flowery shadows on your back. Look at my nails matching the strawberries! Feeding you, pinching the leafy green part. Your lips around my fingers as you bite down. Still only looking at me with one squinty eye, fingers still between your lips. I bite my teeth together. I didn't even realise my jaw dropped. You sit up, brushing your thumb finger across my bottom lip, opening my mouth again for you. Lightly sliding down the side of my jaw, tickling my neck, with a light playful chokehold as you push your fingers down on my skin. I adore his hands around my neck, pushing his thumbs into me. He lets my cheeks flush riper than august cherries, and my heartbeat pounding till my tits jiggle with every beat, before he lets go of the pressure and I can breathe again. Where do you think you're going?

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